Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Irate Woman Sets Vending Machine on Fire

A North Carolina woman has taken vending machine rage to the next level. Gilbert Crary, a Piggly Wiggly employee,  could not believe his eyes when he viewed the surveillance tapes from the past night. Apparently furious that the vending machine outside the Piggly Wiggly had stolen her money and would not refund it, 43 year old Debra Johnson retrieved a newspaper from a nearby trash can, stuffed it into the machine, and lit the machine on fire. She then purchased a drink from a nearby machine, and left the scene of the crime. Accordingly, Debra has been tracked down and is now being charged with a felony for burning personal property. When asked whether she planned to contest the charges brought against her, Debra has said,

"I don't need a lawyer to lie for me, because I'mma tell you I done it."

Debra Johnson is due in court sometime this week. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cage Fighting Grandmother

 56 year old Vermont native Khandace Cossitt wants her shot in the ring. Khandace has a wish that most women her age don't- she wants to be a MMA cage fighter. Cossitt claims she has a lot of fighting experience, and desperately wants to show off her mixed martial arts skills.

“They pick at me and pick at me and I’m like okay, I let it slide, and then . . . they will be decked.”
Candace says of the many men she has fought. 

Khandace has been a stripper, a bouncer, a burlesque performer, and also a horse trainer. She has been mistaken for a man many times. Khandace insists that cage fighting is the way to go.

"This just stops me from beating up the general public, god bless ‘em,” said Khandace. 

So far, Khandace has not heard back from the cage fighting promoter she contacted. But luckily, she has a backup plan if she is not accepted into the MMA fighting circuit. Cossitt plans to "steal the show" at a local fighting arena, where she will steal the microphone and challenge anyone in the crowd to a bare-fisted brawl.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fashion Persecution in Australia

This week, Australia native David Hoogland claims he was unjustly persecuted because of his fashion decisions. David was having some drinks with his fiance and some friends at a rooftop bar on the Western Coast of Australia when he was asked to leave. When asked for a reason, the manager stated that his mullet hairstyle was not welcome in their bar, and that he would need to leave immediately. Hoogland was quoted as saying,

"I agree if you're being rowdy, out of control, drunk or abusive then you should be kicked out but if you're just sitting down having a chat and a quiet social drink, I think that's pretty rude,"
David Hoogland has been rocking the mullet since the late 90's. What will happen next? Will Hoogland sue the establishment for unjust persecution? What will this mean for mulleteers everywhere?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Gotta Catch Em' All- PETA Edition

This week, the infamous animal rights group PETA has turned it's focus to a more virtual cause: Pokemon. In what they have described as a "war on virtual animal cruelty" PETA has decried the popular video game series for teaching children to abuse animals.

"The amount of time that Pokemon spend stuffed in Pokeballs is akin to how elephants are chained up in train carts, waiting to be let out to 'perform' in circuses," said one representative.

Specifically, PETA are targeting Pokemon: Black and White 2, the most recent in a long series of Pokemon games. Pokemon is one of our generations most popular video game series, and has become not only a video game, but has ballooned into TV shows, apparel, toys, and trading cards. Pokemon is a multimillion dollar corporation, and PETA believes that children should not be playing these games because they teach them to become animal abusers. And, on top of this all, PETA has released a spoof of Black and White 2 on its website, called "Gotta Free Em All," in which players take on the role of the Pokemon and battle against their abusive trainers.

Check it out. 

Has PETA gone too far this time? Are the Pokemon games a touchstone of our childhood, or are they animal cruelty simulators?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The World's First "Cuddle-Cafe" Opens in...Japan

In this weeks news, a milestone for lonely people everywhere. Japan has opened this world's first ever "cuddle cafe" in Tokyo. Soineya, which translates to "sleep together shop" opened recently in the electronics district of Tokyo. Soineya hopes to offer "the simple and ultimate pleasure of sleeping together with someone." Let's take a look at the costs.

Entrance admission: 3,000 yen.  =  $40 USD.

Standard Course
20 min – 3,000 yen  =  $40 USD
60 min – 6,000 yen  =  $75 USD
2 hrs – 11,000 yen   = $140 USD
3 hrs – 16,000 yen   = $205 USD
4 hrs – 20,000 yen   = $250 USD
5 hrs – 25,000 yen   = $320 USD
6 hrs – 30,000 yen    = $380 USD
10 hrs – 50,000 yen   = $650 USD

Optional Course
Customer sleeps in girl’s arm (3 min) – 1,000 yen = $12 USD
Girl pats customer on the back (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Customer pets girl on the head (3 min) – 1,000 yen  
Customer and girl stare at each other (1 min) – 1,000 yen
Girl changes clothes (1 time) – 1,000 yen
Girl gives customer foot massage (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Customer gives girl foot massage (3 min) – 2,000 yen    = $24 USD
Customer sleeps with head on girl’s lap (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Girl sleeps with head on customer’s lap (3 min) – 2,000 yen

The opening of this business raises questions about non-sexual prostitution. Is there a market for stuff like this? Will this type of establishment come to America? Only time will tell.

Official Website 

Original Article