Monday, March 4, 2013

Iran Deploy's Snipers to Deal with Rodent Problem in Tehran

There are an estimated 25 million rats in Iran's capital, Tehran. They outnumber people 2 to 1. Previous attempts to control the rat population using poison have only proved semi successful  so Iran is rolling it's next best plan: snipers. Ten teams of sharpshooters have been deployed throughout the city, tasked with killing as many of the "cat-sized-rodents" as they can. They are armed with rifles equipped with infra-red sights. According to reports, the squads have bagged close to 2,000 rodents in the past week.
"It's become a 24/7 war," says Mohammad Hadi Heydarzadeh, the head of Tehran's environmental agency. 
News reports have stated that some of these pesky rodents weigh up to 11 pounds. The rodents present health problems to the capital's 12 million residents, especially as spring approaches. As snow melts and the city's water rises, the rodents are forced into close quarters with the humans. The city council of Tehran has found this method of action so effective that they are considering implementing 30 more squads.

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